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Spirit Crime

Game Board Development Page

Welcome all, this is the progress page for the game board. New ideas and updates will be posted here.
* Most current updates are listed at the top of the page.

Updated 1/20/2022
An FAQ on the gameboard

Some questions have been coming up about the gameboard and this is just a few of them:

How can a 3D printed board be free?

You don’t have to buy the game board. Of course, stopspiritcrime is completely free and this question has come up on more than one occasion. And it’s not just the production of the gameboard, but also the pieces and cards that accompany the game. The short answer is the .stl and .pdf files will be available for download. It will be up to the end user to 3D print their own board, and player pieces. That is what the .stl file will be used for. And the .pdf file will have the cards for printing on cardstock (thick) paper.

What if I don’t have a 3D printer?

There are a variety of companies that will 3D print the gameboard for you and mail it to you. Stopspiritcrime doesn’t endorse any particular company for this service. But if you go looking around you will find reasonable options to choose from with different qualities of print, and costs.

I am a 3D printing company that provides this service. Can I mass produce the gameboard and sell it?

The short answer is no. Stopspiritcrime doesn’t support the capitalization of anything that it produces. However you are welcome to advertise that you make them individually for people that are interested in a personal purchase.

Since the .stl file has the raw information for printing the gameboard on a 3D printer I can use software to change the scale. Is it alright to scale the gameboard to a larger or smaller version?

Yes you can. You can print the gameboard to any scale you like. But if you make it big enough for people to stand on it, make sure you observe safety considerations… and that was sort of a joke, but just in case. You can scale any of the materials as you see fit, including the cards in the .pdf file.

Updated 11/11/2021
3D Version draft of the gameboard.

It might end up being completely 3D !

Spirit Crime Game Board ~ Copyright (c) 2021
So as you can see, a lot more thought has gone into the design since August. Trying to play the game on a flat 2D surface demonstrated some concerns with comprehension and keeping up with the direction of the players. So some experimentation with bringing the game into 3D is underway. Right now there are just models for the sake of conceptualization - a large format DLP printer is being considered for actually manufacturing the gameboard and player pieces. But there is more to it than just that. GODOT is a video-game development tool that is also being considered. More on that later, but for now here is a link to GODOT: Click HERE.

Here are a couple more renditions of the 3D version that is being modeled:

Stay tuned!

Updated 8/28/2021
First draft of the gameboard.

So here it is! Details are being worked out, read more below...

Spirit Crime Game Board ~ Copyright (c) 2021
This is a screenshot from the vector graphics tool being used to draft out the intial shapes and design of the gameboard. As already discussed, the player will either have the option to use an inner our outer track of the board - or it could be a matter of landing position that forces the player to move. Moves are made by the roll of dice. The number of dice hasn't been decided. It is possible that three, six-sided dice may be used. It is also a consideration that the player may choose how many to throw per move. The outer track of the board will always move in a clockwise position, while the inner track will have a counter-clockwise movement.

Player Pieces:

It would be nice to have metal fabricated Player Pieces. But it has also been considered to have these pieces 3D printed for the inital release of the Spirit Crime Game Board. Some ideas of the Player Pieces are: Sherlock Holmes style "hat", Magnifying Glass, Umbrella, Candle Stick, Sneakers, Binoculars -- basically items that have an older sleuth/detective motif.

Power Ups and Decisions Cards

Two places, not yet depicted in the design, will likely be made for Power Up Cards and Decision Cards that effect the players progress through the maze. That idea has an initial framework but is very likely going to change form before it is finalized.

Game Objectives

To help people with their investigative technique and identifictation tools. The Sprite Crime Game Board will, through gameplay, introduce basic elements any new investigator will need to learn, and help through an interactive and fun exercise to build muscle memory for the application of new skills. One step at a time :)

Development Ideas?

Right now most of the conecept is being developed internally. But there are a lot of ideas on how gameplay will be constructed.

A lot of work has to be done to ensure any game is not only playable and enjoyable, but also that there aren't any glitches in the game where play comes to a standstill or some sort of stalemante. Many permutations and testing has to be completed through trial and error to make sure this doesn't happen and cause the game to "crash" so to speak.

Let other people know that work may be slow, but the goal is certain.