Frequently Asked Questions
The magnitude of observed Spirit Crime in the last two years is as much a contributing factor as its persistence on the public eye. The exact reasons for these two things happening has been attributed to the pandemic among other things. It’s possible that the gradual build-up of Spirit Crime also met some threshold in the spirit realm that provided no other outlet except the effects it has in the temporal, corporeal realms… that place we perceive in the now with our five senses. Whatever the culmination of factors may end up being, the experience is the same across the domains of normal everyday life… and across the world to be more precise.
The issue has been discussed at length and the general theories behind these phenomena have gradually formed into these beginning steps to further study and report on the matter at hand. Moving into the third year of this remarkable problem means efforts to narrow the criteria that define Spirit Crime into particular classifications and reasonable expectations of management. There are of course many questions that initially cross people’s minds when they first hear about Spirit Crime. This Frequently Asked Questions page will give some of those answers.
What is Spirit Crime?
It is something taking place in the temporal, corporeal realm that instigates changes in the spirit realm having caused some negative change to the personal spirit of an individual.
Who does it affect? Anyone that subscribes to the notion that they have a personal spirit and acknowledge the existence of the spirit realm is potentially vulnerable to Spirit Crime.
What is the temporal, corporeal realm? This is what most people refer to as the now - in the physical form subject to the passage of time.
What is the spirit realm? Depending on belief system subscribed that supports the ideology of a personal spirit, the spirit realm has different modes of operation and sets of rules. The best answer for the question is attained through the individual’s personal experience and through the guidance of their spiritual leadership.
What does Spirit Crime do to someone? Spirit Crime causes damage in the form of interference between the individual’s personal spirit and that faith’s ideology of God.
How does this interference case the damage? Left unchecked, Spirit Crime directly breaks down the communication between the individual’s (personal spirit’s) connection to God. As the link diminishes their faith dwindles and their lifeline into the spirit realm’s light of truth is broken. Spiritual weakness develops that eventually influences the individual in the temporal and corporeal realm.
How does this damage constitute crime? Over time the individual will lose their connection to God to such a magnitude that their faith fails and the soul is in jeopardy. The crime persists in the now so long that it permeates into the spirit realm. Ultimately the individual’s eternal existence is placed into limbo and possibly lost forever. In short, the crime is depriving someone of their afterlife.